Hair transplant surgery may be considered a cosmetic procedure, but that doesn’t mean it should be entered into lightly. Like any medical procedure, this process for treating hair thinning and loss comes with a variety of potential side effects. Those can range from minor things like irritation, to serious problems like scalp necrosis. At the same time, while the procedure works for many people, there are those for whom hair loss will continue. That risk alone makes it important that you understand all of the potential complications of hair transplant surgery as you decide if it’s the right choice for you.
What’s Considered Hair Loss?
You may have heard before that hair is dead, but that’s not quite true. While hair does contain dead cells, your hair follicles are very much alive and your hair has a life cycle. So, no matter what, some of your hair will be shed at the end of that life cycle. This is normal shedding and should not be noticeable. Things get a little more – or less – hairy when it comes to massive hair loss. Such hair loss can cause noticeable patches of hairless scalp that can be considered hair loss. Causes of this can be related to many things, including:
• Inflammatory diseases
• Hormonal changes
• Trauma, such as burns
• Mechanical damage, such as over styling
While hair pieces, creams, and even supplements have long been peddled to restore hair, hair replacement surgery is one of the most reliable methods of regaining hair growth. There are risks that could be associated with it in some cases.
Hair Transplant Complications
Complications are the unintended side effects that can happen with any medical procedure. They aren’t necessarily signs of bad medical care and sometimes have more to do with your body’s reaction than the doctor’s treatment. Specific complications center largely on nerve damage, scarring, and skin graft rejection. The surgery also has all the risks of any procedure, such as the chance of bleeding, infection, and tissue death at the site of the wound. Personal habits, such as smoking, can also raise your risk of surgical complications. If you are a smoker it’s a good idea to kick the habit if you’re serious about hair restoration surgery.
Fortunately, following post-surgery instructions, such as avoiding strenuous activity for a time, can help minimize risks. Your doctor can also advise you. Schedule a consultation with a hair loss doctor, like a hair loss doctor in NYC, to discuss the ins and outs of surgery and get started on the road to hair restoration today.
Thanks to the office of Doctor Robin Unger for their insight into understanding the risks of hair transplantation surgery before undergoing it yourself.