For those entering into their golden years, sometimes the best medicine is staying physically active. Whether that be a brisk walk or time at the pool, physical activity is a great way for seniors to strengthen their body. The following will reveal five benefits that seniors can glean from staying physically active!

1. Improved Cognitive Function

When you work out your body, you also work out your mind! The increased blood flow and oxygen intake helps your brain work at a better capacity. This is especially helpful to seniors looking to protect themselves against dementia and Alzheimer’s.

According to a study featured in the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, “40 minutes of physical activity has been associated with an increased cerebral blood flow that improves neurogenesis.” In layman’s terms, exercise is directly correlated with the development of new neurons. For those seniors looking to bolster their brain against neurodegenerative diseases, exercise is a wonderful tactic!

2. Reduced Stress

When you work out, you are actively helping stave off feelings of anxiety and stress. This is because physical activity helps produce endorphins, also known as “the happy chemical.” As we age, it’s imperative to maintain lower stress levels, as there is a correlation between anxiety and lessened mental fortitude. Thus, when seniors work out, they are helping protect their brain through stress relief!

3. Improved Balance

A physically active lifestyle tends to walk hand in hand with a well-coordinated body. Heightened core strength, strengthened muscles, and hand-eye coordination all coalesce to create a better-balanced body.

This is especially helpful for seniors, who are more at risk of a slip and fall. Thus, through regular physical activity, elderly individuals can improve their balance and lessen the possibility of a hazardous fall.

4. Disease Prevention

Regular exercise has a direct correlation to a decreased risk of disease. When seniors work out, they are optimizing the entire body, both externally and internally. They are strengthening the heart, improving blood flow, optimizing oxygen intake, etc. This helps the body fight any potential age-related diseases: such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular issues.

5. Social Engagement

For the elderly, an added benefit of exercise is that it can be a social event. A workout class, walking club, or time spent at the community pool are instances of engaging with the community. For seniors, this social time helps stave off feelings of isolation and depression. Thus, elderly individuals can meet their social needs while fulfilling their exercise needs!

If your loved one needs some help in carrying out these activities it may be beneficial to look into hiring some help like the care offered from an elderly assistance services agency. These types of services can help elderly individuals or other individuals in need of assistance in carrying out daily tasks and keeping to a routine. 

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